Top retailers that use Crobox’s guided selling tools report maximum conversion rates. With short go-to market times, we’ve made retailers reactive in a market where it pays to be fast.
The Joolz Buggy Finder helps expecting parents find the perfect stroller or buggy for their needs. This finder upholds their strong aesthetically-focused culture with its onbrand design.
We wanted to find a lean and simple technology to help us react to the market better. Crobox absolutely met these expectations. Together, we were able to launch something so fast, and from there keep tweaking the finder and optimizing the customer experience.
The biggest difference between Crobox and their competitors is how flexible they are, flexibility is crucial because we host different sports and brands on our webshop. With Crobox we can get ahead of our roadmap and make our ideas a reality very fast.
In terms of targeting and engagement, the use of the Crobox buggy finder has enabled us to significantly increase the relevance for visitors of our digital platform. This increased conversion and time-on-site, helping to grow the adoption of online as a channel for orientation and purchase in our category.
The Shoe Finder generated some impressive results. We knew it would ease the shopper’s decision-making, thereby resulting in higher CRO, but the impact on our revenue was something else.